How to take care of dental implants

Caring for teeth restored with dental implants is just like caring for your natural teeth: brush, floss and maintain regular dental cleanings and checkups, as scheduled by you and your dentist. Additional cleaning aids also may be recommended to help keeping your teeth healthy at home.

Toothpaste Fluoride Free


bluem® has developed a fluoride free toothpaste specially as an implant toothpaste. Research shows that fluoride and abrasive components are not suitable for the daily maintenance of implants. Implantologists advise to use of bluem® oral gel directly after oral surgery and mouthwash and fluoride free toothpaste for daily maintenance of implants and healthy teeth. Oral care products with active oxygen help with recovery after implantology and contribute to the long term maintenance of dental implants.

Dental implants

For as long as we can remember dentistry has tried to replace teeth who are lost as natural as possible. Recovery of appearance and functionality like chewing, speaking and laughing are assumptions. Nature has developed a perfect chewing-system that can never be replaced fully by artificial means. But placing an implant in the jaw is closest to nature. Implants are usually made of titanium. There are implants made of other materials that are more commonly used by bio-energetic dentists.Placing implants usually happens under narcotics.

Watch out for peri-implantitis!

In general placing implants is not a dangerous procedure, but taking care of implants is essential to reduce the risk of dental problems from occurring. Because the gum around implants is more sensitive for harmful bacteria, inflammation (peri-implantitisoral mucositis) will develop with 40% of the patients. A good oral hygiene before, during and after surgery is very important to reduce the risk of developing dental diseases or loosening implants.

Take care of your implants

After surgery Dr. Blijdorp recommends rinsing with our mouthwash and the application of bluem oral gel around the implant. About 48 hours after the surgery, you will be able to brush with our toothpaste using a soft toothbrush.

Caring for teeth restored with dental implants is just like caring for your natural teeth: brush, floss and maintain regular dental cleanings and checkups, as scheduled. Additional cleaning aids also may be recommended to help you keep your teeth healthy at home. As is the case with natural teeth, you and your dentist must work as a team to ensure the longevity of your dental implant.  While replacement teeth can’t get cavities, they are subject to the same wear-and-tear as natural teeth. Well-placed and well-cared for dental implants have the potential to last a lifetime with the help of bluem® implant care.

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